SWISS AI Report 2022
The actual use and true impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI *) in Swiss companies is currently unclear. Mindfire and W.I.R.E. are initiating the Swiss AI Report, a systematic approach to assessing the use of AI technology in Switzerland. The initiative intends to generate solid facts about AI's current use and provide participating companies with valuable insights for strategic decisions in their own companies.
How Do we define AI?
AI can automate decisions that otherwise require human intervention. More precisely, AI is a collective term for computer systems – encompassing fields such as Machine Learning, Artificial neural networks, Natural Language Processing, or Computer Vision – that for a given set of human-defined objectives, make predictions, recommendations, or decisions influencing real or virtual environments.
Participating companies have the unique opportunity to have the application of AI in their companies evaluated and assessed in the context of their industry. Thus, these companies form a basis for the creation of AI standards in Switzerland. Participation is free and anonymous; only a list of participating companies will be published. It takes about 40 minutes to complete the survey and another 30 minutes to complete a best practice use case. The use case can be anonymous or branded. Contact
Dr. Daniela Suter for participation in 2023!
The Swiss AI Report 2022 can be downloaded HERE.